We were so moved recently by a video sent in by Westerville teacher, Linda Amici, about the impact the Many Voices project is making in her classroom and for her students. We wanted to share it with you all. Many Voices was able to launch because we had so many wonderful sponsors, partners, and donors committed to making this program happen. Thank you!
We're thrilled to have been a part of Many Voices and are looking forward to the next round of funding this summer (stay tuned to our social media for our announcement in the coming week!).

We're impressed perpetually by the teachers, staff and students in Westerville Schools and hearing stories like this one from Linda fuels our mission to support innovative and inclusive educational initiatives. We look forward to getting even more books to teachers in the future!
Special thank you to Alliance Data Card Services, Westerville Partners for Education, Cultivating Success Fund, Birdie Books, Westerville Public Library, Neighborhood Bridges, Westerville Sunrise Rotary, Westerville Noon Rotary, 100 Women of Westerville and so many more!
If you'd like to support our work with Many Voices (and our other great programs like Academic Allies, Grants for Teachers, and Westerville Student Education Foundation), contact Colleen Moidu (executivedirector@westervilleeducationfoundation.com) or